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The Fanes' saga - The events underlying the legend

The only operation that remains to complete our analysis is venturing into the final assembly of a reconstructed course of events that might have triggered the Fanes’ saga. If we want to proceed on this path, consequently to the the arguments that were debated in the previous chapters about the origin and the evolution of the legend, we must be well aware that we are leaving the field of demonstrable facts and that, since now on, we must give up using words like “true”, “real”, “historical”. We cannot discard the chance that in a few, maybe in several passages, we have been lured into a trap, either accidentally or by a clever storyteller (helped by our own lack of critical spirit), and induced to believe plausible also what had just been fictionally invented. The investigation techniques that we used to carry on the analysis of the Fanes’ occurrences can bring, and actually often do bring, to surprisingly realistic results: however, we are always drawing more or less coherent, more or less verisimilar, more or less likely, but never probative conclusions.
We shall therefore take under examination the narration fabric of the legend the way it came down to us, we shall remove or reduce to rational terms all fantastic or spurious elements that we can realize as such, and we shall apply to the remainder, with all due care, the hypothesis that the first storytellers recounted substantially what they wanted us to believe had really occurred, keeping in due count their imperfect awareness of the facts and the various psychological reasons that may have brought them to veil or distort a part of the truth.
According to what stated above, what follows must be read, therefore, as a quest not for the “truth”, but just for the “most probable among all possible truths”, because often there are many that might fit; for sure the emerging reconstruction has no chance to be accurate and undisputable, but there are solid reasons to believe that it does have good chances of coming close to what really happened, and therefore it must be regarded as a step, just a step, but neither a trivial nor a useless one, towards a better knowledge of the remote history of this corner of the world.


For the sake of readability, this section has been split into four chapters:

1. Origins and social structure of the Fanes' society

2. The last king

3. The clash against the Palaeo-Venetics

4. The end of the kingdom