in Literature
list is based on the specific bibliography collected by Ulrike
Kindl in her "Kritische
Lektüre der Dolomitensagen von Karl Felix Wolff. Vol.2",
only partially modified and integrated.
Pannwitz, Ladinersage [Ladinian Saga], in “Mythen”,
vol.VI, Münich 1920.
An epic poem in classical hexameters in German, completely based
on Wolff's informations;
Pannwitz only elaborates on the Fassa tradition about the Arimanni.
Petschnig, Die Verheissene Zeit [The Promised Time],
manuscript, 1928.
Archive of the Ladinian Institute “Micurà de Rü”,
San Martin de Tor.
This text in German was used as the libretto for the opera by
the same name, that was first performed at Innsbruck in 1928.
The work proved unsuccessful and was never performed again. The
material is completely based on Wolff,
i.e. on the Arimanni tradition, as it had been sketched
by Ugo de Rossi.
Petschnig was in direct touch with Ugo
de Rossi at Innsbruck; as a consequence, the text exclusively
relies on the Fassan tradition.
Staudacher, Der Fannesreich [The Kingdom
of Fannes], manuscript, 1937; mostly published, under the title
“Fanneslied" (The Fannes Song), finally selected
by the parishioner Staudacher
in 1939, by Tyrolia, Innsbruck-Wien 1994.
The ponderous epic poem, in German verses, is composed in compliance
with several different metrics, both for the strophe and for the
rhyme. Staudacher
began his poem about 1930 and completed its manuscript in 1939.
All material was elaborated together with Wolff,
reshaping its contents, and therefore incorporating both traditions,
that of the Badia and that of the Fassa valley.
König, Aurona, 1941 (quoted by Wolff
in this Dolomitensagen at p.466); no other data are known.
Morlang, "Fanes
da Zacan" [Fanes of Old], an adaptation for the popular
open-air theater of Wolff's
Fanes legend. Wolff
greeted it enthusiastically. The text, written in Ladinian from
Marebbe, has been published in 1978 by the Ladinian Instiute
“Micurà de Rü”
of San Martino in Badia. The
plot adheres to the Badia valley tradition only, although of course
Wolff's version
was well known to the Author.
Dal Lago, Il Regno dei Fanes [The Kingdom of
Fanes], “Dolomitic epic poem rediscovered and translated
by Brunamaria Dal Lago”, Milano 1989. Brunamaria Dal Lago,
a very interesting Italian writer of the folkloric gender, reconsiders
Wolff's version
of the whole Fanes' saga and attempts to develop and interpret
it according to her own criteria.
We must note that Dal Lago's work is a quite valid fictional creation,
but it is fully autonomous from and has no connection with the
genuine Ladinian tradition. While it played a remarkable role
in spreading the knowledge of the Fanes' legend in the Italian
environment, it unfortunately also drove several readers to believe
it were an independent "source" of informations about
the Fanes, what it absolutely is not. The novel is, I repeat,
a purely fictional elaboration of the saga, developped according
to the artist's personal conceptions.
Neri, Il Cavaliere delle Dolomiti nel misterioso
regno di Fanis [The Knight of the Dolomites in the mysterious
Kingdom of Fanis], Venice 1991. This fictional elaboration of
the material, in Italian, is a fantasy novel both in gender and
style, based on both Wolff's
and Dal Lago's versions.
Pichler/Markus Vallazza, Die Frauen aus Fanis
[The Ladies of Fanis], fragments of Ladinian legends, interpreted
and with a postfation by Ulrike
Kindl, Haymon, Innsbruck 1992. Writer Anita Pichler elaborates,
in German, on a single legendary theme through thirteen separated
short novels, albeit connected with each other. In parallel, artist
Markus Vallazza develops his vision of the story in twenty-one
Zannier, Fanis , Ed. Edizions Laurenzianis,
Buie-Friûl 2004. A short poem in Friulian language that
follows Wolff's
Runggaldier, L reiam de Fanes e
d'autra lijëndes [The Kingdom of Fanes and Other Legends],
Union di Ladins de Gherdëina. A collection of legends translated
into Gardenese Ladinian.
Bridges, an American diplomat and
writer very attentive to Italian and European topics, as he spent
several years in Rome, has recently (28/4/08) published, in the
web site California
Literary Review, a long article about Wolff,
the Fanes and their highlands, titled Notes
from Italy: A Homer of the Dolomites. I'm happy to thank
him here for having kindly signalled this site.
Italian publisher Giunti
has recently re-published the novel by Brunamaria Dal
Lago Veneri Il Regno dei Fanes, [The Kingdom
of Fanes], quoted above, in co-operation with the Ladinian
Cultural Institute of Vigo di Fassa. An interesting multi-medial
experiment has been realized this way, as the text is proposed
together with the detailed and carefully documented illustrations
by the Venetian artist Fabio Visintin and with
a CD containing the music composed by Susi Rottonara
for her movie Le rëgn
de Fanes. The volume has been presented in May at the
Book Fair at Turin. Several authorities attended the ceremony,
including Fabio Chiocchetti, director of the above mentioned Ladinian
Institute. Susi Rottonara's clear voice charmed the attendance
with some of her most significant pieces.
Foches (Museum of Customs and Traditions of the People
from Trentino, San Michele all'Adige) published in 2007 by Priuli
e Verlucca two small books of legends from Trentino, each with
an annexed DVD: Leggende delle
Anguane and Leggende
dell'Uomo Selvatico. Interesting and enjoyable, they
add a few variants (not specially remarkable) to the already known
fantasy writer Adriana Comaschi, from Venice,
published recently a volume of fictional legends, inspired by
Wolff's works (Sabja
de Fek e altri racconti). Domino
With the auspices of the Institut Ladin "Micurà de Ru" of S.Martin de Tor, the book by Nicola dal Falco "Miti ladini delle Dolomiti [Ladinian Myths of the Dolomites] - Ey de Net e Dolasila" has been published by Palombi Editore wirh the annotations and the essay "Narrating the Origins" by Ulrike Kindl.
At first glance, the literary part of the work shows several points of high artistical value, but for the friends of the Fanes its true importance resides in prof. Kindl's work, who exposes here an important and detailed updating of her alreay expressed ideas on the subject. Her opinions, as she is a top rank expert, must always be kept in the highest consideration, although her views are not always coincident with my own. I will therefore meditate upon them thoroughly and expose on this site the result of my reflexions.