Fanes' saga - Short essays
Before moving against the Fanes with
the coalition that Spina-de-Mul has put together, Ey-de-Net climbs
the sacred mount Amariana before dawn, to greet the sunrise from
the summit. Interestingly, this is the only explicit hint at an
act of cult within the whole main body of the legend. Sun worship
must anyway have been quite common in the Bronze Age, and we already
indirectly found it in other passages. We must remark, however,
that what is being told is that Ey-de-Net greets the sunrise,
as if he ought to be singled out from the others. No doubt, what
storytellers wanted to underline is that Ey-de-Net is the only
man who climbs the mountain.
Amariana might be located close to the Pregajanis, from where
Ey-de-Net leaves to war, but more probably it must be looked for
on the Lastoieres’
highlands, the operational base from which the punitive expedition
moves against the Fanes. The word “Amariana”
should easily be connected with the Ladinian root “merì”,
noon (which, by the way, refers to a precise position of the sun);
Wolff himself quotes a Pala di Merjan, that sounds suspiciously
similar, but is located in the Padon group. thence outside of
our area. If we look for it on an ordnance map, however, we find
it designated by the name Sas di Mezdì (Peak of
Midday); and this immediately reminds of another peak, the Becco
di Mezzodì (Beak of Midday), which is located exactly
where it should be according to the story: on the border of the
Lastoieres’ country, on the edge of the Cortina bowl. Notice
that the sun myth of “Merisana’s
wedding” is located in the close-by Costeana valley.
Merisana comes from the Latin Meridiana through
the Ladinian “Merijana”: according to Wolff’s
writing of Ladinian words, the letter “j” must be
pronounced the way Germans do, i.e. like an Italian “long
i” (engl. “ee”), while the french-style “j”,
which is present in Ladinian, appears in Wolff’s writings
just once, as “zh”. The name “Merisana”
should therefore be spelled more correctly as “Merijana”,
with a french-style “j”. Merisana marries the “king
of rays”; their marriage takes place – obviously –
at high noon. Was then Mount
Amariana (=Merjàn, Meridiana, Midday)
the Becco di Mezzodì? Was it Merisana’s
mountain? It stands somewhat apart from due south of the precise
point where Merisana’s myth is located (the “grassy
hill facing the Croda da Lago” near the “Ru de
ras Virgines” (brook of the Virgins), but its bold
and characteristic profile would easily match that of a sacred
mountain, while its not rising very high over the plateau would
make plausible that the hero climbs it on the same morning when
he must leave to war. However, the common way to the top includes
150 metres of climb with passages up to the second grade (Welzenbach):
was Ey-de-Net able to overcome them? Maybe he was; one can suppose
that, had mount Amariana been but an anonymous field for cows,
the legend wouldn’t have cared recording and handing down
to us this memorable enterprise. However the nearby (and higher)
Cima Ambrizzola (in the Croda da Lago group), which is located
almost due south of the Ru de ras Vergines, can be climbed
within the limits of the first grade; unfortunately, its name
is not the correct one, but over time it might have “migrated”
from the former peak to the latter. It would make more sense locating
a place connected with the cult of waters on the shore of a lake,
better than of a brook. Remark, on the other hand, that the name
itself of the Croda, “da Lago”,
i.e. “Peak of the Lake”, connects the mountain with
waters. Lake Fedara, however picturesque, certainly is no hydrologic
feature of any special relevance, and it isn’t located at
all due north of the Croda, therefore it is unprobable that the
mountain took its name from it. On the contrary, it is likely
that the swamp, out of which the Ru de ras Vergines flows,
(and part of whose water is channeled today into a small aqueduct)
once was a small lake. Seen from that point, the Croda da
Lago stands out loft and lonely almost exactly due south;
archaeological excavations on that site might be the source of
interesting surprises.