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January, 2008

Prof. Giuliano Palmieri passed away

The well-known student, a great lover of the Fanes' saga, departed life just before Christmas



Giuliano Palmieri was born at Longarone (Belluno) in 1940. He followed Classical studies and took his degree at Padua with a dissertation on the topographical structure of roman Italy, and of the Venetian area in detail, according to local towns' agricultural subdivisions vs. military centuriation grids.

He lifelong taught Latin and Greek at the Classical high school of Treviso, where he quickly proved a firm reference point: his deep and well-digested culture, his fairness, his probity, his unwaiving determination, made of him one of the last legendary old-style professors, whose remembrance has started slowly fading away.

He never relinquished archaeology, his life's first great passion. He concurred founding, and was first director of the Gruppo Archeologico Trevigiano and also contributed to the foundation of the Museo di Crocetta del Montello (TV), of which he was Curator for Archaeology.

As much fond of the mountains, and of the Dolomites specially, as he was of archaeology, he spent his vacations in his small home in the Fiorentina valley, where his wife Anna's family came from. This way he came in touch with a group of active local amateurial archaeologists, among whom Vittorino Cazzetta, the discoverer (among the rest) of the mesolithic burial site at Mondeval, who tragically died in 1996. He thence cooperated with his precious advice and assistance to the foundation and structuring of the small but really interesting Museo archeologico di Selva di Cadore.

A deep connoisseur of the Dolomite's history and legends, in 1996 we wrote, together with Marco, his son, "I regni perduti dei Monti Pallidi" [The Lost Kingdoms of the Pale Mountains], almost entirely devoted to the clever reconstruction of a thick web of interconnections between the Fanes' saga and our notions of today about geo-topography, history, archaeology and mythology of the Dolomites and of their surroundings.

His other book, Le antiche voci dei Monti Pallidi [Voices from the Pale Mountains of Old], that continues the work of the previous title, mostly consists of the analysis of the relationships between the Dolomitic legends (generally, not the Fanes' one) and those of other European peoples. Of special interest is the insight into the "masks" of several Carnivals, from the Dolomites and outside.


Among his several activities, I like recalling a "minor" one, but clearly significant of his many-faceted interests and of the deep affection he felt for his Dolomites: he owned a wide collection of scaled models, all built by himself and perfect to the most minute details, of the traditional wooden houses (tabià), typical of the Fiorentina and Zoldo valleys.

Too early stricken by an unforgiving disease, Giuliano Palmieri was deprived of the happy and productive old age he was certainly deserving. We all who were acquainted with him, cannot but miss him with sorrow.




Palmieri G. 1978: La cuspide di lancia in selce del monte Cernera, in Preistoria alpina, XIV
Palmieri G. 1980: Treviso dalla preistoria all’età romana, in Treviso nostra, I, Treviso
Palmieri G. 1982: Mùtara-muta: un appunto di toponomastica, in I Convegno regionale dei Gruppi e delle associazioni di Archeologia del Veneto, Treviso
Palmieri G., Paolillo A.1993: Il Piave dalla preistoria all’età romana, in: AA. VV., La via del Piave dalle Dolomiti a Venezia, Verona
Palmieri G. e M. 1996: I regni perduti dei Monti Pallidi, Cierre edizioni, Verona, 285 pgg.
Palmieri G., Valery C. 1997: Castelfranco Veneto, castrum romano, in Aidanews, IV
Palmieri G. 1998: Karl Felix Wolff e l’archeologia, in Mondo ladino, XXII, Vigo di Fassa
Palmieri G. 2002: Le antiche voci dei Monti Pallidi, Ed. Canova, Treviso, 168 pgg.