One year from the previous, here is a new site update.
The main news are that I finally succeeded in publishing my essay about the Fanes! It appeared a few days ago, edited by Il Cerchio, under the title Il Regno dei Fanes - analisi di una leggenda delle Dolomiti, and in a short time it should be available in bookstores (in Italy, at least). My best thanks to the writer Paolo Gulisano, who helped me a lot and was also so kind as to write an excellent preface to the book. Best thanks also to my daughter Elena who designed the cover image and also those in the book.

I am planning to promote the book with several presentations. The first to come will happen at Pozza di Fassa at the Commune Hall next August, 6th at 17.30. The show "Dolasila" will follow, a multimedial installation with musical performances by Susy Rottonara on texts by Roland Verra.
A second presentation will take place at Cortina d'Ampezzo at the Miramonti Hotel next August, 8th at 18.
Other presentations may follow shortly - I'll keep you informed!
If you wish to purchase the book, you may find other useful hints here.
I went into new considerations about the mythological significance of the character of Molta. You may find them here.
I'm also adding a few news and infos (see Music and Movies).