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December, 2009

Several awards have been conferred upon the movie "Le Rëgn de Fanes" at the Los Angeles Reel Film Festival

After the Renderyard Award of London (see news n.4) and the "Best international score" at the Garden State Film Festival (see. news n.7), the movie "Le Regn de Fanes", by H.P: Karbon and R.Verra, with music and starred by Susi Rottonara, was in evidence also at the prestigious Los Angeles Reel Film Festival, where it received a remarkable series of international awards.


Received awards :

- 2.nd absolute award in the category Foreign Films
- prize as Best Foreign Film Digital Effects
- prize as Best Foreign Film Special Effect (Make-up)
- 1 st prize as Best Foreign Film Stunts
- prize as Best Foreign Film Costume Design

Festival: The Los Angeles Reel Film Festival was founded by a group of industry professionals whose aim is to seek out, acknowledge, and award the many talented independent filmmakers and screenwriters who may not get the recognition they deserve through many of the more political and commercial film festivals. The LARFF recognizes filmmakers and screenwriters who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity. All genres of film, music videos and scripts are accepted by The LARFF and each will be judged thoroughly by accomplished award winning directors, producers and industry executives. Over 410 awards will be distributed between the 10 categories.