Fanes' places: the anguane of the Costeana valley
former lake, now a swamp. at the sources of the ru
de ras Virgines (the Virgins' Brook), near the road that
climbs to the Dibona Hut at the feet of the Tofane,
enjoys a magnificent view over the Croda da Lago (Lake's
Peak), situated due South.
de ras Virgines, that flows into the rio Costeana
under the road to the Giau pass just upstream of the
fork between the Falzarego and Giau passes,
has its source from a small lake, today a swamp, near the Fedarola
stables (m 1750). A part of the waters is intercepted by a small
of the rio delle Vergini are first mentioned - as a
hybrid between normal women and "water spirits" -
in the Merisana's
sun myth, where she marries - at high noon - the rey de
rayes (king of rays). Since at noon the sun, as seen from
the lake, is exactly on the perpendicular of the Lake's Peak,
we can start understanding the nature of the mystical bonds
connecting the lake's water, the Sun and the mountain. In the
Fanes' saga, Ey-de-Net
climbs mount Amariana
(= of Merijana, i.e. Merisana); a mount that
is told to be sacred. Later, the hero meets an anguana
in the Costeana valley. It shouldn't be a hazard supposing
that this anguana too
is connected with the ru de ras Virgines.
driving from Pocol up to the Falzarego
pass, shortly after km 114 ( m 1698) a road forks to
the right: closed to non-authorized traffic, it climbs
up to the Dibona hut m 2683. In a few minutes
of walk along the road, the Fedarola stables
can be reached, just below which the small swamp is
The Dibona hut is an excellent support point
for further excursions in the Tofane group.
the Croda da Lago seen from the source of the
Ru de ras Virgines
(photo Vanin)